Age of a pianola
You can usually determine the age with the help of the serial number of the (grand) piano. If you have already found the serial number(s), our service "How old is my piano" may help you to determine the construction year of the piano. Two serial numbers are usually be found - one for the acoustic piano - and one for the player mechanism -, because very often, they will originate from two different enterprises.
Finding the serial number
How to find a serial number at your pianola
You can generally check the age with the help of the instrument number. If you open the upper panel, these serial numbers are in general found on the cast iron frame or on the inside of the case.
Where to find the serial number
Examples for serial numbers
Some examples of serial numbers found in the instrument follow. The serial number is sometimes deeply hidden or was scraped off during a previous overhaul. In that case, you may determine the age of the piano by checking the serial number of the action as well. The only other way is to check the design or other details.
Pictures of serial numbers
Documents of the manufacturers of your instrument
Documents of the manufacturers of your instrument
Few manufacturers (e. g., Ibach or Schiedmayer & sons) still possess the original documents from the production sites, unfortunately. Most documents have been destroyed during the world wars, so that the year of construction can be determined only with the help of the serial number. In the case of Ibach, you can begin a pay query in their archives by entering the serial number and you will receive a pretty certificate that will state the precise production date, the model name, the original price and the first owner of the instrument. We also have many original catalogs from that age and can extract some details out of them.
Original catalogs and brochures of the pianola
Original catalogs and brochures of the pianola manufacturers
Pianola brochures
Old catalogs and brochures of the former manufacturers can also be a very interesting source of original and in-depth statements. See some examples of such catalogs, brochures, service manuals and books, sometimes with original drafts and descriptions of the instruments, including contemporary data on price and delivery. Sometimes this even helps to find out which original candlesticks were intended for which model. We will be glad to offer you copies of these original documents for a service charge - if required, please contact us.