Hupfeld Phonola Vorsetzer
Serial number: 19958
Mechanism: Hupfeld Phonola 73
Height: 1.0 m
Almost none of the many thousand Hupfeld Phonola push-up players built are nowadays met in good restored condition, though these push-up players were once very popular and widespread in Germany. The music repertoire for this 73 note push-up player is very interesting, due to thousands of titles and rare artist's roles, inviting to assume the performance yourself. This push-up player is a late design, the so-called Meisterspiel push-up player with divided wind chest, Solodant and Piano as well as sustain pedal function. The push-up player was well-preserved with normal signs of age - but the self-playing function was no longer present, because all materials had become permeable to air by ageing. The whole system was disassembled and cleaned during the restoration, all faulty parts were replaced, all bellows newly leathered etc. and, finally, the Phonola precisely regulated again.
This push-up player plays again wonderfully and very well today. Since the treading is very easy, even children can play the push-up player at a (grand) piano. On YouTube you will find sound examples of this Hupfeld Phonola Meisterspiel push-up player. Today, after restoration, we offer the push-up player for sale.
Hupfeld Phonola push-up player restoration
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