Accessories and More

You can acquire pianola accessories from us in addition to pianolas, reproduction instruments and manual (grand) pianos. For general accessories for (grand) pianos, please, look at our Faszinationklaviere website and in Accessories. You will find examples of special accessories for pianolas on that webpage. If you are looking for something else, please, ask us, because our stock is always larger than shown here. We can also refer you to sources for other accessories. Today, unfortunately, there is no supplier for all parts of the pianola left – in earlier times, they could easily be ordered, as the accompanying example of Zacharias' Parts catalog will show.


Materials for repair

Various materials are required to refurbish the self-playing mechanism of a pianola. The main parts are various kinds of leather, rubber cloth, rubber tube, felt, glue, lead pipe, etc. Different kinds of leather are required according to intended purpose (feeder, reservoir, bellows etc.). These leathers are prepared according to old recipes in order to achieve high durability, flexibility and tightness. Because much time has to be involved in restoration, use of the very best materials is recommended - when processed well, the pianola will give decades of joy again.


Pianola parts

When parts were dismantled or lost from some pianola's, original preserved spare parts may sometimes also help. You can also acquire them from us. Those parts are entire lower installation elements, e. g., from the Phonola grand, single bellows or pedal mechanisms, fan flywheels, air-powered motors and entire fan units. We also have a few old motors or resistors of electrically operated pianolas in stock. Please, contact us, if required.


Pianola parts photos

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Pianola stools

Although at that time a suitable stool or pianola bench came with every pianola, these are today hardly met in company of the respective instrument. You will find here a selection of original seats, some of them including cases for piano rolls. A pianola bench must be solidly built, the seat skewed slightly forward, so that you assume a good seating position that allows easy treading of the pedals. On request we can also arrange for copying and upholstering of stools and benches according to the original model of your pianola.


Pianola stools photos

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Pianola roll cabinets

The average number of piano rolls that a pianola owner had is 30-50 piano rolls. These piano rolls were often placed in specially made piano roll cabinets. These piano roll cabinets could be acquired in standard designs – or, if requested, the cabinets were individually adapted to the design of the pianola. Their shelves had different depths and heights, according to piano roll type. Extra high and deep shelves were required for Welte red roles, for example. Classic shutter cabinets were popular in Germany while double door cabinets were mainly used in the USA and England.


Pianola roll cabinets photos

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Suction pumps

Extension with a suction turbine is a nice supplement of the playing options for original foot pedal pianolas. We provide new, adjustable suction turbines in soundproof housing and offer the design of the housing depending on requirement, if it is located close to the instrument. We offer original suction systems in accompanying fan chest or fan unit for pianolas and reproduction instruments that have or had an original suction system. The design of the chest or cabinet can be arranged according to original models – including a separate piano roll case.


Suction pumps photos

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Piano candlesticks

Original piano candlesticks were mounted at many pianolas, initially as a requirement to have light, later as an adornment. These have mostly gotten lost over the years. When light by grid power became more widespread in the households, a pair of electric candlesticks would also belong to the equipment of a top rate pianola instrument. You may find original candlesticks on our website and occasionally also original electric piano candlesticks as well as kerosene lamps that were chiefly used in France. Likewise we can offer you the authentic replication of old candlesticks – offering models from old catalogs.


Piano candlesticks photos

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Service keyboard Welte-Mignon Cabinet

In 1904-1932 Welte technicians had service keyboard to install and service a Welte-Mignon cabinet. Unfortunately today there are merely no authentic Welte service keyboards left. We have rebuilt such service keyboards along the authentic design. With such a service keyboard you can regulate, intonate and tune the piano part of a Welte-Mignon Cabinet as perfect as required to achieve a best-possible reproduction of the intended piano roll music. This is a must for any Welte-Mignon Cabient owner. We can offer such service keyboards for Feurich pianos as well as other manufactureres (on request).


Service keyboard Welte-Mignon Cabinet

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Pianola books, catalogs and brochures

You may find books, catalogs and brochures as well as other accessories about pianolas also on these websites. If you have to sell any interesting accessories, we will also be glad if you contact us.